Good To Be Back
Harvey Dunn and PaintJam was thrilled to be back in Boca Raton, Florida to perform for The Boys and Girls Clubs of Broward County. PaintJam has been hired a dozen times to perform for this event. The live paintings performed for the gala are immediately auctioned and have raised anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars for the charity. PaintJam has raised millions of dollars for charity since 2004 and as much as $750,000 for The Boys and Girls Clubs of Broward County alone. The event took place at The Boca Raton where the annual Concours d’Elegance car show is held.
High Octane Entertainment
The show opened with a speed painting of a glass of wine which Harvey painted almost entirely with his hands – that’s right – no brushes in sight. Next came the second piece, NASCAR No. 8 driven by Dale Earnhardt Jr., the crowd favorite that night. Every endorsement on the vehicle, nearly 40, were pre-painted and hidden beneath a patch of canvas. Then the time was right, Harvey tore off the patches, revealing the stunning accuracy of the Earnhardt, Jr. NASCAR. Finally in a race against the clock; Harvey closed the show with a 3 minute performance of Lady Liberty. Making the final brushstroke before the clock ran out.
Meeting Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Just as Harvey was signing his paintings after the show, he was greeted by a warm voice backstage. Harvey turned around and exclaimed! He was ecstatic to find before him, NASCAR’s living legend, Dale Earnhardt Jr. They chatted briefly about being the sons of great men and the desire to pursue their challenges. Dale offered to sign the painting of his car adjacent to Harvey’s signature and they posed for a photo together. Later the two of them spoke with the patron who purchased the artwork and took some more photos together. It was a great evening for everyone!